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All-in-One Educational

Empowerment Platform

Document experiences, build career plans, and navigate success with verified seals.
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Efficient Screening and Selection:

Building Activities

Selecting the Students

Sending to Students

Students Applying

Companies Selecting

Building Activities

PortfoliOH’s data-driven approach empowers employers with valuable insights. AI algorithms analyze candidates’ skill profiles and match them with the rolls that companies are looking to fill.
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Empowering Students:

Easy Features for Your Success

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and career advancement with PortfoliOH by your side.

Achieve skills by uploading evidences

Seamlessly upload evidence of your achievements, from work-based learning to earn certificates.

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Unlock Seals with PortfoliOH's Gamification

The gamified experience recognizes and celebrates your progress and growth every step of the way.


Skill Enhancement

A transformative learning experience that provides a platform for continuous skill improvement.


Empowering Educators:

Connecting education to careers

Enabling educators to effectively support students along their personal career development journeys.

Seamless Evaluation Process

Your success begins with a smooth and seamless evaluation journey.
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Get Evaluated
Achieve Seals

Data Driven Insights

Leveraging PortfoliOH's AI-driven analytics, schools gain valuable insights into students' evolving skill sets and interests, empowering educators to tailor educational strategies and interventions effectively. This data-driven approach enhances the educational experience, ensuring students receive personalized support and guidance.
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Empowering Businesses to

Discover Top Talent with Essential Skills

PortfoliOH serves as a powerful solution for businesses in their quest to discover potential employees who possess the essential foundational skills necessary for success in their roles.
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Here’s how PortfoliOH facilitates this process:


Identifying Candidates with Fundamental Skills:

PortfoliOH enables job seekers to comprehensively document their skill development journey.

Reducing Skills Mismatch:

By furnishing a platform for individuals to showcase their authenticated skills, PortfoliOH plays a pivotal role in reducing skills mismatches.

AI-Powered Skills Assessment System

The integrated Artificial Intelligence engine swiftly delivers precise feedback on skills assessments, effectively allowing businesses to seamlessly participate in the assessment of student skills.

Statistical Dashboard for Quick Decisions

Schools can use PortfoliOH’s AI-driven analytics to gain insights into students’ skill development trends and areas of interest. This data informs educational strategies and interventions to better serve students.
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Get Realtime Students Data

Schools gain minute-by-minute insights into students' skill requirements, progress, and tailored suggestions, empowering schools to make informed decisions and provide personalized support.
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Frequently Asked Questions

PortfoliOH is a comprehensive solution that enables students to own their work-based learning journey. Intuitive interfaces allow students to see WBL opportunities in terms of the skills they will acquire when they participate. During any WBL activity, no matter where or when it occurs in or out of schools, the student captures rich evidence of their experience and self-reported reflections. By seeing experiences as skills acquisition, PortfoliOH reveals to students how the skills they have acquired relate to career pathways they may be interested in.
Many students find themselves grappling with a lack of self-awareness concerning their own skills and interests, which poses significant hurdles to their academic and career pursuits. Despite concerted efforts by educational institutions and businesses to provide guidance, students often remain ill-equipped to make informed decisions about their educational paths and future careers. This pervasive issue results in a lack of self-confidence, skills mismatches, career transitions fraught with uncertainty, and a missed opportunity to tap into students full potential. It underscores the critical need for more effective strategies, tools, and support systems that empower students to develop self-awareness, enabling them to thrive in an ever-evolving educational and professional landscape.
PortfoliOH was designed to meet educators where they are at through a detailed understanding of the workflow constraints of the educator’s busy schedule. It reduces the load on educators while fulfilling reporting requirements. Our solutions balance reporting requirements AND accessibility (dashboards vs. reports when appropriate). Our solution not only fulfills this goal, but does so in a way that incentivizes even more engagement, helps the school and the work based provider celebrate and strengthen the partnership to advance students. The solution also eliminates the busy work we have seen in our field interviews. The educators and counselors have more time for quality interactions with students.
This solution provides comprehensive collection of student evidence and confirmation/evaluation by educators or supervisors at the work-based learning location. Features of this tool have been developed based on extensive interviews with students, educators, and employers about what they need for the tool to be useful in their context. Of most importance, use of PortfoliOH matches the workflow of educators and employers so that it seamlessly integrates with their daily lives and does not add additional tasks into their busy day. Our user testing shows that the student-centered PortoliOH tool actually reduces the burden for documenting work-based learning.

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