This Data Privacy Addendum (“DPA”) is incorporated by reference into the Service Agreement (as defined below) entered into by and between the educational agency set forth below (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and StartSOLE (hereinafter referred to as “Provider”) effective as of the date the DPA is accepted by Client (“Effective Date”) (each of Provider and Client, a “Party” and together “Parties”). The Parties agree to the terms as stated herein.


WHEREAS, the Provider and Client have entered into certain contractual documents (which collectively are referred to as the “Service Agreement”), to provide certain Services to the Client as set forth in the Service Agreement and this DPA (collectively the “Agreement”); 

WHEREAS, the Provider is providing education or digital services to Client; and

WHEREAS, the Provider and Client recognize the need to protect personally identifiable student information and other regulated data exchanged between them as required by applicable laws and regulations, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g (34 CFR Part 99); the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) at 15 U.S.C. § 6501-6506 (16 CFR Part 312), and applicable state privacy laws and regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Provider services are delivered to either: (1) an organizational entity with multiple users managed by the Client with certain data privacy and protection policies, such as a school, a philanthropy, a business, or similar enterprises; or (2) an individual Client. In cases where the Client is an organization, in this data privacy addendum, and elsewhere, a user may also be called a “Student,” and these terms are synonymous. When the term “student” is used, it is to provide some contextual clarity that the user is enrolled in a formal curriculum in a K-20 system;

WHEREAS, third parties not involved in this Agreement (such as parents or supervisors) may have an interest in data associated this Agreement, and these third parties will work with the Client under Client’s policies to access such information or authorize the third party’s access directly with the Provider as directed in this Agreement;

WHEREAS, the Provider and Client desire to enter into this DPA for the purpose of establishing their respective obligations and duties in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, Client and Provider agree as follows:

1. Standard Schedule. A description of the Service Agreement, and the categories of Student Data that may be processed by the Provider on behalf of Client (or the Client themselves when not part of a larger enterprise), and other information specific to this DPA are attached as Exhibit “A” (“Standard Schedule”).

2. Services. The digital educational services and any other products and services that Provider may provide now or in the future to Client pursuant to the Agreement (the “Services”) as set forth in the Standard Schedule.

3. Standard Clauses. The Student Data Protection Clauses (“Standard Clauses”) attached hereto as Exhibit “B” are hereby incorporated by reference into this DPA in their entirety.

4. Priority of Agreements. With respect to the treatment of Student Data only, in the event there is conflict between the terms of the DPA and any other writing, including, but not limited to the Service Agreement and Provider Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, the terms of this DPA shall control. Except as described in this paragraph herein, all other provisions of the Service Agreement shall remain in effect, including, without limitation, any license rights, limitation of liability or indemnification provisions.

5. Term. This DPA shall stay in effect for three years, unless and until the extent terminated by the Parties.

6. Termination. In the event that either Party seeks to terminate this DPA, they may do so by written notice terminating the Service Agreement as set forth therein. Either party may terminate this DPA and the Service Agreement if the other party breaches any material terms of this DPA.

7. Effect of Termination. If the Service Agreement is terminated, the Provider shall dispose of or return all of Client’s Student Data pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Standard Clauses.

8. Notices. All notices or other communication required or permitted to be given hereunder must be made in writing and may be given via e-mail transmission, or first-class mail, sent to the designated representatives set forth in the Standard Schedule. 9. Entire Agreement. This DPA and the Service Agreement constitute the entire agreement of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior communications, representations, or agreements, oral or written, by the Parties relating thereto. This DPA may be amended and the observance of any provision of this DPA may be waived (either generally or in any particular instance and either retroactively or prospectively) only with the signed written consent of both Parties. Neither failure nor delay on the part of any Party in exercising any right, power, or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver of such right, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power, or privilege preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege. For clarity, nothing in this Section prohibits Provider from amending the Service Agreement pursuant to the amendment provisions set forth therein.

10. Severability. Any provision of this DPA that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this DPA, and any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if such provision could be more narrowly drawn so as not to be prohibited or unenforceable in such jurisdiction while, at the same time, maintaining the intent of the Parties, it shall, as to such jurisdiction, be so narrowly drawn without invalidating the remaining provisions of this DPA or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.


12. Successors Bound. This DPA is and shall be binding upon the respective successors in interest to Provider in the event of a merger, acquisition, consolidation or other business reorganization or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of such business. In the event that the Provider sells, merges, or otherwise disposes of its business to a successor during the term of this DPA (“Change of Control”), the Provider shall provide written notice to the Client no later than sixty (60) days after the closing date of such Change of Control. Such notice shall include a written, signed assurance that the successor will assume the obligations of the DPA and any obligations with respect to Student Data within the Service Agreement. The Client has the authority to terminate the DPA if it disapproves of the successor to whom the Provider is selling, merging, or otherwise disposing of its business.

13. Waiver. No delay or omission by either party to exercise any right hereunder shall be construed as a waiver of any such right and both parties reserve the right to exercise any such right from time to time, as often as may be deemed expedient.

14. Electronic Signature: The Parties understand and agree that they have the right to execute this Agreement through paper or through electronic signature technology, which is in compliance with applicable state and Federal law governing electronic signatures. The parties agree that to the extent they sign electronically, their electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to their handwritten signature. Whenever they execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as their handwritten signature. They will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of their electronic signature or claim that their electronic signature is not legally binding. They agree not to object to the admissibility of this Agreement as an electronic record, or a paper copy of an electronic document, or a paper copy of a document bearing an electronic signature, on the grounds that it is an electronic record or electronic signature or that it is not in its original form or is not an original.

Signatory Information 

By signing below, I accept this DPA on behalf of the Client. I represent and warrant that (a) I have full legal authority to bind the Client to this DPA, (b) I have read and understand this DPA, and (c) I agree to all terms and conditions of this DPA on behalf of the Client that I represent.

Name of Client:



Client Authorized Representative full name:




StartSOLE Authorized Representative full name:





Optional - Consent to Participate in a pilot or pre-release trial of a StartSOLE product.

Participation in a StartSOLE pilot and pre-release program lets users try out pre-release applications. The feedback you provide as a Client helps determine quality and usability. This information helps the Provider identify issues, fix them, and make StartSOLE products even better. Please note that since any application software has not yet been commercially released by Apple, it may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not function as well as commercially released software. In addition, the Provider may track data necessary for determining functionality, usability, and quality in addition to that tracked in Exhibit A for the commercially released version. You are agreeing to allow additional Client data to be collected that is not explicitly called out in Exhibit A, and this data may be shared with third parties developers who are working with the Provider under a contractual arrangement. Provider will exercise reasonable care with this additional data to the extent commercially practicable during the product development phase of a new application.

I elect to participate in the pilot or pre-release StartSOLE program and accept the optional terms above.

Name of Client:



Client Authorized Representative full name:






1. Service Agreement: StartSOLE Terms of Service located at:

2. Services:

StartSOLE is an education technology platform that helps bring teachers, students, and businesses together. StartSOLE provides the following products through its platform: 

More information on how the Service operates can be found on

The Provider services are delivered to either: (1) an organizational entity with multiple users managed by the Client with certain data privacy and protection policies, such as a school, a philanthropy, a business, or similar enterprises; or (2) an individual Client. In cases where the Client is an organization, in this Exhibit, and elsewhere, a user may also be called a “Student,” and these terms are synonymous. When the term “student” is used, it is to provide some contextual clarity that the user is enrolled in a formal curriculum in a K-20 system

The Service shall not include data protections that are the responsibility of any Outside Accounts. An Outside Account is any third party integration or service the Client uses that is not included in the StartSOLE statements above. An Outside Account of a student may also be linked to their StartSOLE account that the student or provider may choose. Client (also called Student) Data shall not include information a student, parent, or family provides to Provider through such Outside Accounts independent of the student’s, parent’s, or family’s engagement with the Services at the direction of the Client. Additionally, any information a parent or family provides to Provider through such Outside Account shall not be considered school data or information and shall not be owned or controlled by the Client. 

3. Notices: In the event a written notice is to be provided pursuant to the DPA, notice shall be provided to the following recipients identified in the Sections 4 and 5..

4. Provider Contact for Data Security Inquiries:


Signatory Name/Title:

Mailing Address:

Email Address:

5. Client Contact for Third Party Inquiries Pursuant to Notices to Client 

Client Name:

Signatory Name/Title:

Client Mailing Address:

Email Address:

Client Legal Counsel Address

6. Schedule of Student Data: The following specific items or categories of Student Data may be processed by the Provider on behalf of Client for the purpose of the Services (collectively, the “Schedule of Student Data”).


In order to perform the Services, the Student Data processed by Provider on behalf of Client is set forth below: Client should not provide any medical or health-related data under any circumstances, and if provided, shall not be  StartSOLE’s responsibility to protect this information

Category of Data


Check if Used by Provider


Technology Metadata

IP Addresses of users, Use of cookies, etc.

Other application technology metadata.

Application Use 


Metadata on user interaction with application

We track product events and progress within a particular feature


Standardized test scores

✔ Optional, only if Client elects to supply this data

Observation data

provided by a student or teacher based on the application

Other assessment data

✔artifacts collected from third parties, such as employers


Student daily attendance data


Student class attendance data



Online communications captured (emails, blog entries)


Biometric Data

Physical or behavioral human characteristics that can be used to identity a person (e.g. fingerprint scan, facial recognition)

N/C (since photos are collected, it is possible that a third party app could be used for facial recognition, but it is not part of the native StartSOLE) 


Conduct or behavioral data



Date of Birth

✔ collected as age, not a DOB.

Place of Birth




Ethnicity or race


Language information (native, or primary language spoken by student)

✔ Obtained via browser/device preferences

Other demographic information



Student school enrollment

Student grade level



Guidance counselor

Specific curriculum programs

✔ such as career pathway curriculum specification

Year of graduation

Other enrollment information

✔ enrollment in a specific curriculum or pathways

Parent/Guardian Contact





Optional, only if a parent or guardian account is created and connected to a student




/Guardian ID

Parent ID number



/Guardian Name

First and/or Last



Student scheduled courses

N/C (not currently used)

Teacher names

This is only for the classes a student is connected to, it may not be the complete schedule of all teachers the student has classes with.

Special Indicator

English language Learner information


Low-income status


Medical alerts/ health data


Student disability information


Specialized education services (IEP or 504)


Living situations (homeless/foster care)


Other indicator information-Please specify:


Student Contact







Student Identifiers

Local (School district) ID number

State ID number

Provider/App assigned student ID number

Student app username

Student app passwords

Student Name

First and/or Last

Student In-App


Program/application performance

We track product events and progress within a particular feature

Student Program Membership

Academic or extracurricular activities a student may belong to or participate in

Student Survey


Student responses to surveys or questionnaires

Student work

Student-generated content; writing, pictures, etc.

Note these may also be teacher-assigned projects.

Other student work data - Please specify:

✔ such as data stored in a Google Drive and where the student has shared permission to view it with other specified Parties per that sharing protocol native to that App


Student course grades


Student course data


Student course grades/

performance scores


Other transcript data -  Please specify:

✔ if specifically required as part of a StartSOLE app for purposes of credentialing, for example


Student bus assignment


Student pick up and/or drop off location


Student bus card ID number


Other transportation data –  Please specify:


Other (Pilot Programs)

Client may elect to participate in pilot programs (such as, but not limited to Alpha, Beta, and user experience testing) prior to the reClientse of a Provider product. In such cases, additional data may be collected for the sole purposes of product development. In such cases, Client signs a waiver to allow additional data collection that is required by the Provider to develop and test the product under trial.

✔ when Client is participating in a pre-reClientse or pilot trial of a Provider product

** A ✔” means this data is collected; N/C means NOT COLLECTED; upon request, additional details about information collected can be obtained by contacting the Provider authorized representative at the above address.



July 2023


1.1. Purpose of DPA. The purpose of this DPA is to describe the duties and responsibilities to protect Student Data, including compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local privacy laws, rules, and regulations, all as may be amended from time to time.

1.2. Exemptions under FERPA. Client may not generally disclose Personally Identifiable Information from an eligible student’s Education Record to a third-party without written consent of the parent and/or eligible student or without meeting one of the exemptions set forth in FERPA (“FERPA Exemption(s)”), including the exemption for Directory Information (“Directory Information Exemption”) or School Official exemption (“School Official Exemption”). For the purposes of FERPA, to the extent Personally Identifiable Information from Education Records are transmitted to Provider from Client or from students using accounts at the direction of the Client, the Provider shall be considered a School Official with a legitimate educational interest, and performing services otherwise provided by the Client. Provider shall be under the control and direction of the Clients, with respect to Education Records and Student Data. Additionally, certain information, provided to Provider by Client about a student, such as student name and grade level, may be considered Directory Information under FERPA and thus not subject to the restrictions for Education Records.

1.3. DPA Definitions. The definition of terms used in this DPA is found in Exhibit “C”. With respect to the treatment of Student Data, in the event of a conflict, definitions used in this DPA shall prevail over terms used in any other writing, including, but not limited to the Service Agreement, Terms of Service, Privacy Policies etc.


2.1. Student Data Property of Client. As between Client and Provider, all Student Data processed by the Provider pursuant to the Agreement is and will continue to be the property of and under the control of the Client. The Provider further acknowledges and agrees that all copies of such Student Data transmitted to the Provider, including any modifications or additions or any portion thereof from any source, are also subject to the provisions of this DPA in the same manner as the original Student Data. The Parties agree that as between them, all rights, including all intellectual property rights in and to Student Data contemplated per the Service Agreement, shall remain the exclusive property of the Client or the party who provided such data (such as the student or parent).

2.1.1 Unrestricted Use by Provider of Client non-personal data. Non-personal data means not data not attributable to an individual user’s progress in an application. Non-personal data includes, but is not limited to, information uploaded to Provider by a Client for purposes of sharing with other participants in the application database and the learning community managed by the Provider. The Provider shall have unrestricted use of non-personal data.

2.2. Parent Access. To the extent required by law, the Client shall establish reasonable procedures by which a parent, legal guardian, or eligible student may review Education Records and/or Student Data, correct erroneous information, and procedures for the transfer of Student-Generated Content to a personal account, consistent with the functionality of the Services. If Client is not able to update the Student Data itself, Provider shall respond in a reasonably timely manner (and no later than forty five (45) days from the date of the request or pursuant to the time frame required under state law for an Client to respond to a parent or student, whichever is sooner) to the Client’s request for Student Data in an Education Record held by the Provider to view or correct as necessary. In the event that a parent of a student or other individual contacts the Provider to review any of the Student Data accessed pursuant to the Services, the Provider shall refer the parent or individual to the Client, who will follow the necessary and proper procedures regarding the requested information, provided however, that Provider may also allow for direct access requests (but not correction or deletion rights) of Student Data and/or Education Records from a verified parent.

2.3. Separate Account. Students, parent, and family users may have personal or non-school accounts (i.e. for use of StartSOLE at home not related to school) in addition to school accounts (“Outside Account(s)”). An Outside Account of a student may also be linked to their student account. Similarly, an Outside School Account of a parent or family may be linked to their parent or family account used in school. Student Data shall not include information a student, parent or family provides to Provider through such Outside Accounts 



independent of the student’s or parent’s engagement with the Services at the direction of the Client. Additionally, any information a parent or family provides to Provider through such Outside Account shall not be considered school data or information and shall not be owned or controlled by the Client. Additionally, If Student Generated Content is stored or maintained by the Provider as part of the Services, Provider may, at the request of the Client, or the student or the student’s parent or legal guardian, transfer said Student Generated Content to a separate student account or the Outside Account upon termination of the Service Agreement; provided, however, such transfer shall only apply to Student Generated Content that is severable from the Service.

2.4. Third Party Requests. Should a third party, excluding a Sub-Processor, including, but not limited to, law enforcement or other government entities (“Requesting Party(ies)”) contact Provider with a request for Student Data held by the Provider pursuant to the Services, the Provider shall redirect the Requesting Party to request the Student Data directly from the Client and shall not provide the requested Student Data to the Requesting Party, unless and to the extent that Provider reasonably believes it is compelled to grant such access to the third party because the data disclosure is necessary: (i) pursuant to a court order or legal process, (ii) to comply with statutes or regulations, (iii) to enforce the Agreement, or (iv) if Provider believes in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property or personal safety of Provider’s users, employees or others. Provider shall notify the Client in advance of a compelled disclosure to the Requesting Party, unless lawfully directed by the Requesting Party not to inform the Client of the request or otherwise legally prohibited.

2.5. Sub-Processors. Provider shall enter into written agreements with all Sub-Processors performing functions for the Provider in order for the Provider to provide the Services pursuant to the Agreement, whereby the Sub Processors agree to protect Student Data in a manner no less stringent than the terms of this DPA. The list of Provider’s current Sub-Processors can be accessed through the Provider’s Privacy Policy (which may be updated from time to time).

3. DUTIES OF Client 

3.1. Provide Data in Compliance with Applicable Laws. Client shall use the Services for the purposes of obtaining the Services in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local privacy laws, rules, and regulations, all as may be amended from time to time.

3.2. Annual Notification of Rights. Where applicable, if the Client has a policy of disclosing Education Records and/or Student Data under FERPA (34 CFR § 99.31(a)(1)), Client shall include a specification of criteria for determining who constitutes a school official and what constitutes a legitimate educational interest in its annual notification of FERPA rights (“Annual Notification of Rights”). Additionally, Client represents, warrants and covenants to Provider, as applicable, that Client has:

a. Complied with the School Official Exemption, including, without limitation, informing parents in their Annual Notification of Rights that the Client defines “school official” to include Sub-Processors such as Provider and defines “legitimate educational interest” to include services such as the type provided by Provider; and/or

b. Complied with the Directory Information Exemption, including, without limitation, informing parents and eligible students what information the Client deems to be Directory Information and may be disclosed and allowing parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that schools not disclose Directory Information about them; and/or

c. Obtained all necessary parental or eligible student written consent to share the Student Data with Provider, in each case, solely to enable Provider’s operation of the Service.

If Client is relying on the Directory Information exemption, Client represents, warrants, and covenants to Provider that it shall not provide information to Provider from any student or parent/legal guardian that has opted out of the disclosure of Directory Information. Provider depends on Client to ensure that Client is complying with the FERPA provisions regarding the disclosure of any Student Data that will be shared with Provider.

3.3. Reasonable Precautions. Client shall employ administrative, physical and technical safeguards designed to protect usernames, passwords, and any other means of gaining access to the Services and/or hosted data from unauthorized access, disclosure or acquisition by an unauthorized person.

3.4. Unauthorized Access Notification. Client shall notify Provider promptly, but in no event less than 72 hours, of any known or suspected unauthorized use or access of the Services, Client’s account or Student Data. Client will assist Provider in any efforts by Provider to investigate and respond to any unauthorized use or access.z


4.1. Privacy Compliance. The Provider shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to Student Data privacy and security applicable to the Provider in providing the Service to the Client, all as may be amended from time to time.

4.2. Authorized Use. The Student Data shared pursuant to the Agreement, including persistent unique identifiers, shall be used for no purpose other than the Services outlined in Exhibit “A” or stated in the Service Agreement and/or otherwise authorized under law.

4.3. Provider Employee Obligation. Provider shall require all of Provider’s employees and agents who have access to Student Data to comply with all applicable provisions of this DPA with respect to the Student Data shared under the Service Agreement. Provider agrees to require and maintain an appropriate confidentiality agreement from each employee or agent with access to Student Data pursuant to the Service Agreement.

4.4. No Disclosure. Provider acknowledges and agrees that it shall not make any re-disclosure of any Student Data or any portion thereof, including without limitation, user content or other non-public information and/or personally identifiable information contained in the Student Data other than as directed or permitted by the Client or this Agreement. This prohibition against disclosure shall not apply to (i) De-Identified information, (ii) Student Data disclosed pursuant to a lawfully issued subpoena or other legal process, (iii) to Sub-Processors performing services on behalf of the Provider pursuant to this DPA, (iv) to authorize users of the Services, including parents or legal guardians, or (v) to protect the safety or integrity of users or others, or the security of the Services. Provider will not Sell Student Data to any third party.

4.5. De-Identified Data. Provider agrees not to attempt to re-identify De-Identified Student Data without the written direction of Client. De-Identified Student Data may be used by the Provider for those purposes allowed under FERPA and applicable state student privacy laws, as well as the following purposes (1) assisting the Client or other governmental agencies in conducting research and other studies; (2) research development and improvement of the Provider's educational sites, services, or applications, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Services; and (3) for adaptive Clientrning purpose and for customized student Clientrning. Provider's use of De Identified Data shall survive termination of this DPA or any request by Client to return or destroy Student Data. Provider agrees not to transfer De-Identified Student Data to any third party unless that party agrees in writing not to attempt re-identification. Prior to publicly publishing any document that names the Client, the Provider shall obtain the Client’s written approval of the manner in which De-Identified Student Data is presented.

4.6. Disposition of Data. Upon written direction or initiation from the Client, Provider shall dispose of, delete, or provide a mechanism for the Client to transfer Student Data obtained under the Service Agreement, within sixty (60) days of the date of said request or according to a schedule and procedure as the Parties may reasonably agree. Upon termination of this DPA, if no written request from the Client is received, Provider shall dispose of or delete all Student Data at the earliest of (a) Provider’s standard destruction schedule, if applicable; (b) when the Student Data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was received; or (c) as otherwise required by law. The duty to dispose of Student Data shall not extend to Student Data that had been De-Identified or placed in a separate student account pursuant to Section 2.3. The Client may employ a “Directive for Disposition of Data” form, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “D”. If the Client and Provider employ Exhibit “D,” no further written request or notice is required on the part of either party prior to the disposition of Student Data described in Exhibit “D”. 

4.7. Advertising Limitations. Provider is prohibited from using, disclosing, or Selling Student Data (a) to inform, influence, or enable Targeted Advertising; (b) to develop a profile of a student, for any purpose other than providing the Service to Client, or as authorized by the parent or legal guardian; or (c) for any commercial purpose other than to provide the Service to Client, as authorized by the Client or the parent/guardian, or as permitted by applicable law. This section does not prohibit Provider from using Student Data (i) for adaptive Clientrning or customized student Clientrning (including generating personalized learning recommendations or sending Program Communications to account holders); or (ii) to make product recommendations to teachers, Client employees, or parents/legal guardians; or (iii) to notify account holders about new education product updates, features, or services or from otherwise using Student Data as permitted in this DPA and its accompanying exhibits.


5.1. Data Storage. Where required by applicable law, Student Data shall be stored within the United States. Upon request of the Client, Provider will provide a list of the locations where Student Data is stored.\ 

5.2. Data Security. The Provider agrees to utilize administrative, physical, and technical safeguards designed to protect Student Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, acquisition, destruction, use, or modification. The Provider shall adhere to any applicable law relating to data security. The provider shall implement an adequate Cybersecurity Framework based on one of the nationally recognized standards set forth in Exhibit “E”. Additionally, Provider may choose to further detail its security programs and measures that augment or are in addition to the Cybersecurity Framework in Exhibit “E”. Provider shall provide, in the Standard Schedule to the DPA, contact information of an employee who Client may contact if there are any data security concerns or questions.

5.3. Data Breach. In the event that Provider confirms an unauthorized release, disclosure of, or access to Student Data that compromises the security, confidentiality or integrity of the Student Data maintained by the Provider in violation of applicable federal or state law (a “Security Incident”), the Provider shall provide notification to Client as required by the applicable state law, but in no event later than seventy-two (72) hours of confirmation of the Security Incident (“Security Incident Notification”), unless notification within this time limit would disrupt investigation of the incident, by either the Provider or by law enforcement. In such an event, the Security Incident Notification shall be made within a reasonable time after the discovery of the Security Incident. A Security Incident does not include the good faith acquisition of Student Data by an employee or agent of Provider for a legitimate purpose, provided that the Student Data is not used for a purpose unrelated to the Provider’s Service or subject to further unauthorized disclosure.

5.4.1 Unless otherwise required by applicable state law, the Security Incident Notification described above shall include, at a minimum, the following information to the extent known by the Provider and as it becomes available:

  1. The name and contact information of the reporting Provider subject to this section.
  2. A list of the types of PII that were or are reasonably believed to have been the subject of the Security Incident.
  3. If the information is possible to determine at the time the notice is provided, then either (a) the date of the Security Incident, (b) the estimated date of the Security Incident, or (c) the date range within which the Security Incident occurred. The Security Incident Notification shall also include the date of the Security Incident Notice.
  4. Whether the notification was delayed as a result of a law enforcement investigation, if that information is possible to determine at the time the notice is provided; and
  5. A general description of the Security Incident, if that information is possible to determine and legally permissible to provide at the time the Security Incident Notification is provided.

5.4.2 Provider agrees to adhere to all requirements applicable to Provider providing the Services in applicable federal and state law with respect to a Security Incident related to the Student Data, including, when appropriate or required, the required responsibilities and procedures for notification and mitigation of any such Security Incident.

5.4.3 Provider further acknowledges and agrees to have a written incident response plan that is consistent with industry standards and federal and state law for responding to a Security Incident involving Student Data or any portion thereof, including Personally Identifiable Information (“Incident Response Plan”) and agrees to provide Client, upon request, with a summary of said written Incident Response Plan.

5.4.4 To the extent Client determines that the Security Incident triggers third party notice requirements under applicable laws, Provider will cooperate with Client as to the timing and content of the notices to be sent. Client shall provide notice and facts surrounding the Security incident to the affected students, parents or guardians. Except as otherwise required by law, Provider will not provide notice of the Security Incident directly to individuals whose Personally Identifiable Information was affected, to regulatory agencies, or to other entities, without first providing written notice to Client. This provision shall not restrict Provider’s ability to provide separate security breach notification to customers, including parents and other individuals with Outside Accounts.

5.4.5 In the event of a Security Incident originating from Client’s actions or use of the Service, or otherwise a result of Client’s actions or inactions (“Client Security Incident”), Provider shall cooperate with Client to the extent necessary to expeditiously secure Student Data and may request from Client reasonable costs incurred as a result of the Client Security Incident.


6.1. To the extent that Client is located outside of the United States, the Client’s use of the Services will also be governed by the StartSOLE International Data Protection Addendum (“Int. DPA”).  Please contact StartSOLE at to obtain the Int. DPA applicable to your jurisdiction. 



Client. A Client is either (1) an organizational entity with multiple users managed by the Client with certain data privacy and protection policies, such as a school, a philanthropy, a business, or similar enterprises; or (2) an individual Client.

De-Identified Data and De-Identification: Records and information are considered to be de-identified when all Personally Identifiable Information has been removed or obscured, such that the remaining information does not reasonably identify a specific individual, including, but not limited to, any information that, alone or in combination is linkable to a specific student and provided that the educational agency, or other party, has made a reasonable determination that a student’s identity is not personally identifiable, taking into account reasonable available information.

Educational Records: Educational Records shall have the meaning set forth under FERPA cited as 20 U.S.C. 1232 g(a)(4).

Indirect Identifiers: Means any information that, either alone or in aggregate, would allow a reasonable person to be able to identify a student to a reasonable certainty.

Personally Identifiable Information, Personal Information or PII: Means data, including Indirect Identifiers, that can be used to identify or contact a particular individual, or other data which can be reasonably linked to that data or to that individual’s specific computer or device. Student PII includes, without limitation, those items set forth in the definition of PII under FERPA. When anonymous or non-personal information is directly or indirectly linked with Personally Identifiable Information, the linked non-personal information is also treated as personal information. Persistent identifiers that are not anonymized, De-Identified or aggregated are personal information.

Program Communications: Shall mean in-app or emailed communications relating to Provider’s educational services, including prompts, messages, and content relating to the use of the Service, for example; onboarding and orientation communications, prompts for students to complete, or teachers to assign exercises or provide feedback as part of the learning exercise, periodic activity reports, suggestions for additional learning activities in the Service, service updates (for example new features or content, including using for at home learningning opportunities), and information about special or additional programs offered through the Services or the StartSOLE websites or applications.

School Official: For the purposes of this DPA and pursuant to FERPA 34 CFR § 99.31(b), a School Official is a contractor that: (1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data including Education Records; and (3) Is subject to 34 CFR § 99.33(a) governing the use and re-disclosure of personally identifiable information from Education Records.

“Sell” consistent with the Student Privacy Pledge, does not include a Change of Control, provided that the company or successor entity continues to treat the Personally Identifiable Information contained in Student Data in a manner consistent with this DPA with respect to the previously acquired Personally Identifiable Information contained in Student Data. Sell also does not include storing, sharing, transferring or disclosing Student Data with a Sub-Processor provided that the Sub-Processor does not Sell the Student Data except as necessary to perform the business purpose. Provider is also not “selling” personal information (i) if a user directs Provider to intentionally disclose Student Data or uses the Service to intentionally interact with a third party, provided that such third party also does not Sell the Student Data; or (ii) if a parent or other third party authorized by the parent lawfully acquires Student Data (e.g., enhanced classroom reports or photos) for a fee or for free.

Sub-Processor: For the purposes of this DPA, the term “Sub-Processor” means a party other than Client or Provider, with whom Provider has a written agreement as set forth in the Standard Clauses Section 2.5, and who Provider uses for data collection, analytics, storage, or other service necessary to operate and/or improve its service, and who has access to or storage of Student Data.

Student. An individual enrolled in a school or other enterprise and managed by teachers, counselors, or supervisors in a business. In cases where the Client is an organization, in this Exhibit, and elsewhere, a user may also be called a “Student,” and these terms are synonymous. When the term “student” is used, it is to provide some contextual clarity that the user is enrolled in a formal curriculum in a K-20 system

Student-Generated Content: The term “student-generated content” means materials or content created by a student in the Services including, but not limited to, essays, research reports, portfolios, creative writing, music or other audio files, photographs, videos, and account information that enables ongoing ownership of student content.

Targeted Advertising: means presenting an advertisement to a student where the selection of the advertisement is based on Student Data or inferred over time from the usage of the operator's Internet website, online service or mobile application by such student or the retention of such student's online activities or requests over time for the purpose of targeting subsequent advertisements. "Targeted Advertising" does not include any advertising to a student on an Internet website based on the content of the web page, search query or a student’s contemporaneous behavior on the website, or in response to a student's response or request for information or feedback.

User. An individual that accesses and uses the services delivered by the Provider. In this Exhibit, and elsewhere, a user may also be called a “Student,” and these terms are synonymous.

User or Student Data: User or Student  Data (UOSD) includes any Personally Identifiable Information, whether gathered by Provider or provided by Client or its users, students, or students’ parents/guardians, for a school purpose, that is descriptive of the student including, but not limited to, information in the student’s educational record or email, first and last name, birthdate, home or other physical address, telephone number, email address, or other information allowing physical or online contact, discipline records, videos, test results, special education data, juvenile dependency records, grades, evaluations, criminal records, medical records, health records, social security numbers, biometric information, disabilities, socioeconomic information, individual purchasing behavior or preferences, food purchases, political affiliations, religious information, text messages, documents, student identifiers, search activity, photos, voice recordings, geolocation information, or any other information or identification number that would provide information about a specific student. Student Data further includes Personally Identifiable Information, as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 99.3 Education Records are Student Data for the purposes of this DPA. Student Data as specified in Exhibit “B” in the Standard Schedule is confirmed to be collected or processed by the Provider pursuant to the Services. Student Data shall not include De-Identified Data or information that has been anonymized, or anonymous usage data regarding a student’s or Client’s use of Provider’s Services. Student Data shall not include information or data, including Personal Information, a student, parent, or family provides to Provider through an Outside Account independent of the student’s, parent’s or family’s engagement with the Services at the direction of the Client.



Client directs Provider to dispose of User or Student Data obtained by Provider pursuant to the terms of the DPA between Client and Provider. The terms of the Disposition are set forth below:

1. Extent of Disposition 

Disposition is partial. The categories of User or Student Data to be disposed of are set forth below or are found in an attachment to this Directive:

[Insert categories of User or Student Data here]

Disposition is Complete. Disposition extends to all categories of Student Data.

2. Nature of Disposition

Disposition shall be by destruction or deletion of Student Data, as set forth in Section 4.6 (“Disposition of Data”). De-Identification of User or Student Data shall be deemed a destruction or deletion. Disposition shall be by a transfer of User or Student Data. The User or Student Data shall be transferred to the following site as follows:

[Insert or attach special instructions]

3. Timing of Disposition

User or Student Data shall be disposed of by the following date:

As soon as commercially practicable

By [Insert Date]

4. Signature 

Authorized Representative of Client 


5. Verification of Disposition of Data

Authorized Representative of Company




Adequate Cybersecurity Frameworks 



National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1

National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST SP 800-53, Cybersecurity Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (CSF), Special Publication 800-171

International Standards Organization

Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems (ISO 27000 series)

Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC

Security Controls Framework (SCF)

Center for Internet Security

CIS Critical Security Controls (CSC, CIS Top 20)

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC, ~FAR/DFAR)

                                        StartSOLE DATA PRIVACY ADDENDUM